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In The Name of Allah, The Almighty. We must Thank Him for all His blessings to mankind. I must Thank Him for giving me the opportunity to enlighten and bring the attention of the world about the injustice in Palestine. Since the occupation of Palestine in 1948, by the Zionists settlers, the Palestinians have not seen peace. From expulsion to unlawful arrest and detention to murder and assassinations of liberation movement leaders. There is no family in Palestine that is not affected by this act of terrorism by the settlers. In fact there are many families that have been eliminated. Since the aggression of October, 2023, there are many Palestinians that were eliminated. A times while the families are having there breakfast, in some cases while they are sleeping in the night, others were eliminated while they are running for safety, while others were eliminated while they are hiding where they thought is a safe place. The question here is for how long this kind of terrorism against Palestinians will continue? There land have been illegally occupied and in making the attempt to resist the occupation, the main supporter of Zionists, the United States labelled them as terrorists. Where is justice? Does the United States, expect the Palestinians to accept the illegal occupation of their land, to avoid been labelled as terrorists? The truth is that had it been the Palestinians have not been resisting the occupation of their land, then it is not their land. Therefore, the simple reason that made the Palestinians to continue to resist the illegal occupation of their land generation after generation, is a clear indication that the land belong to them. After all when the settlers came to Palestine, they did not meet an empty land without people, rather thy met the Palestinians there. In fact Balfour himself after issuing his unilateral Balfour declaration, giving Palestine, to settlers, was shocked when he visited Quds, some years after that declaration. He was surprised to meet the land of Palestine filled with Palestinians, he made a useless remark that he thought the land is filled with Jews. Imagine, this kind of British attitude? He issued a land that he has no idea of who are living there. We shall continue in the next edition, but don’t forget to visit my website to get an idea of what I am writing. The website: This is your fighter, Sheikh Yusuf
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