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Despite the fact that they are the owners of land in Palestine, the discrimination against Palestinians gets to higher levels continuously no bound, Palestinians are subjected to wicked act of discrimination. Adalah, the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in occupied territories, called the law a bid to advance \”ethnic superiority by promoting racist policies\”. \”The Jewish nation-state law features key elements of apartheid, which is not only immoral but also absolutely prohibited under international law,\” said Hassan Jabareen, general director of Adalah.
\”By defining sovereignty and democratic self-rule as belonging solely to the Jewish people – wherever they live around the world – Israel has made discrimination a constitutional value and has professed its commitment to favouring Jewish supremacy as the bedrock of institutions.\” According to Adalah, there are currently over 65 Israeli laws that discriminate against Palestinian citizens in Israel and Palestinian residents of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) on the basis of their national belonging. The Jewish nation-state law features key elements of apartheid, which is not only immoral but also absolutely prohibited under international law Hassan Jabareen, general director of Adalah. In Ma\’alot-Tarshiha, a municipality in northern Israel which was created by linking the Jewish town of Ma\’alot and the Palestinian town of Tarshiha, there was anger among Palestinian residents. \”I think this is racist legislation by a radical right-wing government that is creating radical laws and is planting the seeds to create an apartheid state,\” said physician Bassam Bisharah, 71. \”The purpose of this law is discrimination. They want to get rid of the Arabs totally,\” said Yousef Faraj, 53, from the nearby Druze village of Yanuh. Early drafts of the legislation went further in what critics at home and abroad saw as discrimination towards Palestinian living with the Jews, who have long said they are treated as second-class citizens. Clauses that were dropped in last-minute political wrangling – and after objections by Israel\’s president and attorney general – would have enshrined in law the establishment of Jewish-only communities, and instructed courts to rule according to Jewish ritual law when there were no relevant legal precedents. Instead, a more vaguely-worded version was approved, which says: \”The state views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment.\”
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